Court Local Jurisdiction: To the Advantage of Plaintiff?

Picture taken from Salam, I went to the beautiful Kuala Lumpur court last Wednesday (30-7-2008) to defense one case of my corporate client. I arrived early, and while waiting in front of the complex I met three guys travelled all the way from Kuantan, Pahang just to attend or appear before a magistrate court for a case against one of them. What a long journey for a small case! (having told that it is only a magistrate court, so the subject matter must be bellow RM25, 000-00 in civil case). I was getting more curious and start asking about their case all about. One of them told me that he faulted in paying his credit card installment. And the amount of default is RM1, 000 plus ONLY. The loan has been granted in Kuantan Pahang and he has been living in Kuantan all this while. Not being satisfied, I asked him again, would that amount be the whole balance of the loan or merely the default monthly arrears? He said the whole balance of ...