
Showing posts from July, 2008

Court Local Jurisdiction: To the Advantage of Plaintiff?

Picture taken from Salam, I went to the beautiful Kuala Lumpur court last Wednesday (30-7-2008) to defense one case of my corporate client. I arrived early, and while waiting in front of the complex I met three guys travelled all the way from Kuantan, Pahang just to attend or appear before a magistrate court for a case against one of them. What a long journey for a small case! (having told that it is only a magistrate court, so the subject matter must be bellow RM25, 000-00 in civil case). I was getting more curious and start asking about their case all about. One of them told me that he faulted in paying his credit card installment. And the amount of default is RM1, 000 plus ONLY. The loan has been granted in Kuantan Pahang and he has been living in Kuantan all this while. Not being satisfied, I asked him again, would that amount be the whole balance of the loan or merely the default monthly arrears? He said the whole balance of ...

Simple guide: What you need to do if you get civil summons?

Notice of Demand : In most cases, before you get a civil litigation summons you will receive a notice, called 'legal notice of demand'. Normally, you are given certain period of time to comply with the demand in the notice. If you concede with the demand you may pay (if it is monetary demand) or whatever demanded. Should you dispute the demand, you may answer the notice giving your stand in the claim, in the event that you fail or neglect or refuse you satisfy the demand within the stipulated period given, the demander may or may not proceed with legal action against you at his prerogative. If so, to proceed suing you in court of law. Summons & serving summons : you may receive a seal copy (bearing court's seal) of summons and statement of claims served on you by personal service, by AR Registered Post, or Registered Post or even ordinary post (pursuant to term of contract on how should legal paper or demand served on either party). If you acknowledge receive of the sum...

Young Malay Movement in Perak

Hi, It comes to my knowledge that in Perak there have been numerous meeting and gathering of all Malays Non Government Organizations and Malays Youth Societies in Perak. Their agenda is Malay Legacy and Supremacy. I wonder what is the purpose of these meetings really. Does it for the benefit of all Malays or simply because for the benefit of losing Malay Party. Very subjective and open to so many interpretations. Yet I dare not discuss the issue in detail in this blog, one might wrongly think that I am being racist! On the other hand, It is good to have these young Malays contributing active role in society or organization. For me, Perak has been long sleeping since before the Barisan Nasional lost at the last general election. Now, it seems everybody is awakening! Perak is peaceful state, with Ipoh of its capital city. Ipoh is a moderate town with 'very few people' in charge, once you get involve in active society or organization you will get to know everybody. I was once a c...

New Political Development in Malaysia

I have posted my view on Malaysia current political situation last week. That however does not taking into consideration of the latest political development which occur these few days, where the UMNO president disclose his secret meeting with PAS (another political party largely comprised of Malay and having Islam as its main agenda). These is not new, when one of the state in Peninsular Malaysia falls into 'Pakatan Rakyat' (the opposition coalition), I have heard rumors saying that Perak Mufti (Muslim Highest Officer, advising Sultan and the Palace) met PAS leaders (motivated by UMNO) to discussion on whether the PAS willing to corporate with UMNO in setting up the new government. I also heard that the Mufti managed to convince PAS national top leaders except state level leaders, and that is why the proposal did not come through.   Now, we hear it again, but this time from the UMNO president wanting to set up another meeting with PAS (it was known later that there has been 2...

Malaysian Lawyer Scale Fee in Non Contentious Matter

Hi, I have been asked a lot by the readers who are concern about the legal fee chargeable by lawyer in conducting non-contentious matter. I guest most of the people do not exactly know that in non-contentious matter there is a fix scale fee need to be followed strictly by lawyers. What is non-contentious matter? For example contract, agreement, transfer of property ownership and so on which is non litigation and non dispute matter. For the sake of public reference, I append bellow the scale fee under the Solicitors' Remuneration Order 2005 (the scale however only cover certain area of practice, other areas of non contentious matter are not fall under the scale fee and fee chargeable will be determine by certain criterion):- FIRST SCHEDULE [Paragraph 2 (a) ] Sale and Transfer Consideration or Adjudicated Value Scale of Fees For the first RM150,000 1.0% (subject to a minimum fee of RM300) For the next RM850,000 0.7% For the next RM2,000,000 0.6% For the next RM2,000,000 0.5% ...

Rasul Melayu-sambung

Alhamdulillah akhirnya saya telah mendapat respon daripada Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan tentang laporan saya mengenai Rasul Melayu Sesat Zul Kahar. Mereka telah meminta contoh-contoh email sesat ini dan alamat email beliau. Saya telah mengemukakan kepada mereka untuk tindakan lanjut. Saya amat berharap pihak berkuasa agama ini dan juga di negeri-negeri lain dapat mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya. Dalam pada itu, saya juga telah banyak menerima email dari pembaca blog ini dan meminta contoh email dan alamat Rasul Melayu Sesat ini. Namun atas dasar kebaikan pembaca saya agak keberatan memberi alamat email dan contoh-contoh email tersebut kerana saya khuatir pembaca akan terpengaruh atau terpesong akidah mereka, nauzubillah. Saya sangat menghargai keperihatinan pembaca dan email berangkai yang saya sampaikan hendaklah sentiasa di 'forward' demi kebaikkan seluruh umat Islam. Ingatlah jika tidak melakukan sesuatu maka samada kita ini mengiakan ajaran sesat ini atau kita...

Kertas Cadangan Memakmurkan Masjid: Klinik Undang-Undang

Salam, Nota: Pada awal bulan ini (Julai 2008) saya telah membuat satu kertas cadangan untuk memakmurkan masjid dan kertas cadangan tersebut telah pun dihantar kepada Pengarah JAWI melalui seorang kenalan rapat. Saya berharap kertas cadangan tersebut boleh diterimapakai dan seterusnya diimplimentasi secepat mungkin. Saya tidak mempunyai masalah berkongsi dengan umum kertas cadangan tersebut maka oleh itu saya poskan di sini kandungan kertas tersebut. Para peguam Muslim, Jabatan-Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri atau mana-mana pihak berkenaan yang mempunyai kuasa atau pengaruh diseluruh Malaysia bebas menggunapakai, menambahbaik kertas cadangan dibawah ini dan seterusnya mengimplimentasinya demi kebaikan bersama umat Islam di dalam Malaysia. Saya sedia membantu untuk memberi maklumat lebih lanjut atau membuat apa-apa presentasi jika perlu. Cuma satu permintaan saya ialah janganlah hendaknya kertas ini digunakan untuk kepentingan peribadi. Pendahuluan Kertas cadangan ini dibuat dan disediakan ol...

Lanjutan tulisan terdahulu berkenaan program penukaran jarum suntikan, kondom dan methadone.

Salam sejahtera, Pada tulisan yang lepas saya telah menyatakan berhubung isu program penukaran jarum suntikan dan kondom serta dadah gantian methadone. Kali ini saya menulis untuk mengentuh beberapa isu lain seperti hak penagih dadah, self-sufficiency, kepertanggungjawaban seorang penagih dadah dan peranan keluarga.   Sebagai pembukaan saya berikan kata-kata ini yang diberi kepada saya oleh seseorang; ' all behavior is avoidable behavior, except act of God' . Tiada sesiapa pun yang memaksa sesorang itu untuk menagih melainkan beliau sendiri atas nama apa sahaja alasannya untuk mula mengambil dadah dan terus menagih. Mereka ini saya anggap sebagai ' negative risk taking behaviour'. Maka apa sahaja usaha, kajian atau tindakan yang telah, sedang atau bakal diambil tidak akan dapat merubah seorang penagih dadah supaya berhenti melainkan beliau sendiri berhasrat berbuat demikian (samada dengan bantuan elemen luar atau tidak).   Pada dasarnya bila kita berbicara tentang...

Finally I met the President of PENGASIH

It was a long overdue appointment. Finally I managed to set an appointment with Tuan Haji Yunus Pathi, the President of Pengasih. The meeting was very interesting, we discuss a lot of things among all how the parent of drug addict can be considered as the most important 'recovery partner'. I shall write a special post relating to the topic in near future. Till we meet again. Thank you for support. p/s meanwhile, I am eager to read your feedback for my last post, 'the political analysis'. Any comment is most welcome!   Regards, Kamarul Irzuan Bin Busu PIah.    

Analisis Senario Politik Terkini Daripada Kacamata Rakyat

Salam, Saya menulis hari ini bukan niat untuk menyokong mana-mana pihak atau parti politik. Tulisan ini hanya sekadar analisis jujur saya sebagai pengundi. Saya tidak mewakili mana-mana pihak, badan, persatuan, organisasi atau parti. Saya bukan juga seorang yang layak memberi analisis professional kerana saya tidak mempunyai latarbelakang sains politik atau yang berkaitan, hanya sekadar mahu berkongsi pendapat. Seperti biasa saya sentiasa mengalu-alukan pandangan pembaca lain. Apa yang saya jangakan sebelum pilihanraya umum lalu menjadi kenyataan: 1. Saya tidak mahu bercakap mengenai isu-isu yang sedang hangat semasa pilihanraya tersebut, cuma apa yang saya jangkakan keputusannya yang bakal berlaku daripada penelitian saya sendiri ketika itu. 2. Tempoh berkempen pilihanraya yang agak lama membolehkan saya menyedari respons atau ‘hint’ dari setiap orang yang saya jumpa semasa sedang menjalankan pertemuan-pertemuan social dan business dengan klien-klien saya di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan l...

Anwar & the Syariah Court

Hi, Intro: Anwar in response to his allegation of sodomy, filed legal suit against the accuser in Civil court (for false report) and the Syariah Court under Qazaf proceeding. Let us do some analytical thinking... why Anwar choose to bring under the proceeding of syariah court via allegation qazaf, why not leave under normal civil court proceeding? it is because that he still in 'trauma' believing the civil court after what he has been gone through 10 years ago. And still giving a wrong signal to public that civil court's itegrity still in doubt? or it is because this time Anwar wants to start putting his fate in syariah court. it is common knowledge that, the syariah court has a very limited jurisdiction and power, and yet Anwar still hoping in the court. not many people familiar with the qazaf proceeding, not even most of practicing lawyers except those having syariah law background. in my opinion the qazaf proceeding is rare proceeding in Malaysia, the good things is, Anw...

The Debate: Anwar vs Shabery

Hi, hmmm...almost everyone saw and talk about the debate yesterday night (15-7-2008). The topic: (if I may translate) 'Today forming government, tomorrow oil price reduce'. For me, being trying not to touch any political point of view, there is nothing much to discuss here. Frankly, I am quite disappointed with the debate, I was hoping more on both sides strategy (perhaps trying to out win the other with their strategy) how to tackle the oil price problem. I can see one party delivering his strategy though seem to be too simple but I fail to recap the opponent's strategy. As this blog is not meant to be pure political discussion forum I refrain myself to write the details of the debate, my dear reader going to find it elsewhere. But rather, what I want to comment here is; as the citizen of Malaysia, we have all the rights to know what is the government's strategy to overcome this oil price issue, because they are in power to shape and change our life. for me is simple, ...

Minister Refused Developers' Request to Raise Up House Selling Price...

Hi, Utusan Malaysia today reported that some of the Housing Developers have requested (government intervention) to raise up house selling price that they have agreed before with the buyers in the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Their reason is simple, they claimed that the hike of construction material is unbearable. Needless to elaborate further, the Minister however refused the request. My post is only to discuss on whether the developer may raise the selling unilaterally or not under the rule of contract. Under the rule of contract, the basic principle of offer, acceptance and consideration must be understand carefully before we discuss further. In such sale and purchase agreement, generally everyone could claim that the three elemnets of contract have been fulfilled. There are an offer made by the developer to sell the house, the buyer accepted the offer and then the buyer paid the purchase price (either by cash or with the help of any financier), though the purchase price has not be...

Berwaspada Dengan Ajaran Sesat Rasul Melayu Zul Kahar

Salam, Para pembaca blog ini yang saya hormati, saya ingin mengambil sempatan di sini untuk memberi amaran kepada setiap umat Islam di seluruh dunia terutamanya di Malaysia, selatan Thailand dan Indonesia tentang kewujudan ajaran sesat oleh seseorang yang bernama Zul Kahar yang mengakui menjadi Rasul bagi umat Melayu. Nauuzubillah! Beliau kini sedang dalam tindakan Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia namun beliau melarikan diri dipercayai ke Indonesia bagi mengelak tindakan undang-undang di Malaysia. Di dalam pelariannya, dengan bantuan orang lain, kini beliau dikesan sedang giat menjalankan dakwah sesatnya melalui email-email dan laman web yang dihantar hampir setiap hari kepada banyak orang termasuklah yahoogroup-yahoogroup. Anda harus berwaspada tentang email-email ini yang mana beliau menggunakan hujah-hujah sesat tafsir ayat-ayat Al-Quran dengan makna pengertian beliau sendiri yang sesat. Saya khuatir bagi umat Islam yang kurang pemahaman Al Quran akan terpedaya dengan tafsiran sesat ini...

Independent Anti-Corruption Agency?

This is going to be a very short post. Last few days the government announced that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) is going to be independent and by all good intention, the government wants to portray the ACA will conduct their duty 'without fear and favor'. The Attorney General's chamber is response to that allocate one senior officer at the ACA's office and reported directly to its director. really? I doubt so. why? well here is my reason... First of all under Malaysian Constitution Article 145 read together with Section 376 and 377 of Criminal Procedure Code, only the Public Prosecutor (PP) in AG chamber has the full authority to prosecute any case, even if any particular law enacted empowering the a particular agency to initial prosecution it would be ultra virus and there are numbers of cases in court where the prosecution case fail simply because no proper sanction from PP (for example: Repco Holdings Bhd vs Public Prosecutor). So, even if the AG puts his best mo...

Jawapan: Rumah dibina tidak mengikut plan

salam, Terima kasih kepada yang bertanya dan terlebih dahulu saya memohon maaf kerana agak terlewat menjawab persoalan tersebut (yang saya telah poskan sebelum ini). Pada pos yang lepas, penyoal telah bertanya tentang rumah yang dibina tidak mengikut plan dan tindakan yang wajar diambil. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin bertanya tentang rumah tersebut, samada rumah tersebut dibawah skim perumahan ataupun dibawah kontrak binaan (design and build). Andaian yang saya buat bagi jawapan di sini adalah rumah di bawah skim perumahan. Soalan kedua yang perlu dijelaskan ialah jenis rumah tersebut samada rumah teres ataupun rumah sesebuah (banglow lot). Ini adalah kerana niat pembeli untuk meminta meroboh dan membina semula hanya menjadi praktikal untuk rumah sesebuah (tertakluk kepada jawapan saya seterusnya di bawah ini). Saudari, Dalam hal rumah yang dibina tidak mengikut plan, terlebih dahulu pembeli hendak mengetahui secara terperinci jenis defect ataupun perubahan plan yang dibuat samada ianya:-...

Email Question: Berkenaan Plan Rumah Tidak Mengikut Perjanjian Jual Beli

Salam, Rumah yg saya beli tidak sama dengan pelan rumah di dalam S&P Agreement. Saya sudah membuat laporan didalam borang Defect Complaint, minta mereka meroboh dan membina rumah mengikut pelan, tetapi hingga sekarang masih tiada jawapan.Saya mungkin terpaksa terima keadaan rumah yang salah dari pelan asal kerana hendak mendiami rumah tersebut secepat mungkin. Saya juga mungkin bercadang untuk menyaman pemaju atas kesalahan tersebut. Saya tidak pasti samada hendak tunggu jawapan dari pemaju dulu, melaporkan kepada KPKT atau terus buat sambungan wayar dan diami rumah tersebut. Apa yg patut saya buat dulu supaya hak saya sebagai pembeli yg hendak menyaman pemaju terjamin? Terima kasih, (name deleted)

How to Chase Illegal Tenant?

This post has been long over due, please accept my sincere apology my dear reader especially the one who sent me the email question. To start with, let me recap the question and issue involved. The sender asked me regarding ‘how to chase out illegal tenant’ There are several ways to ‘chase’ out illegal tenant but in this blog I would rather discuss from the point of Malaysia law (yes I understand, being the landlord and in current ‘not-so-friendly’ situation, any other initiative whether effective or not should be taken only if the law permits!). First of all, tenancy does not necessary require a written agreement, oral agreement is good enough for both parties to be bound with. Even if no such oral agreement is made, any person who rent and pay the rental on monthly basis can be considered under the law and equity as ‘monthly tenant’ and subject to legal remedy in the event of any breach (most often failure to pay rental by the monthly tenant). In Malaysia , the law applicable is Dist...