Hi all,

I post this email (bellow) i just received (and thousand before) just to share with everybody and warn my dear readers of spam.

My friends, this kind of email spam will come us in every tactic and style you will ever imagine. Please beware! They are getting smarter now, they come with slow and subtle approach.

Last week (True story) after a few emails communication, and to my surprise, I received a call from a guy coming down to Malaysia from India. First, I don't want to entertain but after considering his long journey, I finally ask him to come over to my office to meet me.

FYI, he contacted me before asking for my help for one friend of him charged under dangerous drug act in Malaysia.

After the meeting, I found out that he was a victim of spam email that lured him to Malaysia in promise that the 'charged' person will pay him huge amount of money if he could get him out.

Poor fellow, wasting money and time just coming down to Malaysia hush to find out the whole thing is a scam.

There was nothing else I could do (as all the contacts and case info were all invalid and i could not help him to lodge a police report) beside advise him to pack his beg and go back to India asap.

So please be very careful of nowadays email scam!!

Sent from my iPhone

On 30/07/2010, at 11:30 PM, "Ms AKEMI KOBAYASHI" <> wrote:

> My name is Ms AKEMI KOBAYASHI. I was married to my ex husband Newberg
> KOBAYASHI (who lives in your jurisdiction) for 7 yrs and in July 2009, We
> mutually agreed under a Collaborative Participation Law Agreement to go our
> separate ways. Newberg had agreed to pay me $914,000.00 under terms of the
> agreement so that I can settle down and to his credit; he has paid me
> $104,000.00 but with an outstanding balance of $810,000.00.I am hereby
> seeking your legal assistance in collecting the balance or helping me
> enforce the agreement, and have him honor the agreement in entirety.
> I will be providing further information upon your request. I believe that one
> of the reasons he has refused to pay is because I have re-married. I
> understand that been remarried does not automatically void the agreement.
> Prior to our separation due to irreconcilable differences, we were married
> for 23yrs of which by his instruction, I was a full time house wife to
> carter for our four children. Please get back to me if this is a case you can
> undertake. Let me know if you require consultation fee before you advice or
> look at the evidence, I am hereby seeking your firm to assist in collecting.
> the balance from him. He has agreed already to pay me the balance but it is
> my belief that a Law firm like yours is needed to help me collect payment
> from my ex-husband or litigate this matter if he fails to pay as promised.
> Sincerely,
> Email: (


  1. I am Wai Kit

    Im staying at Prima Setapak Condo at jalan genting kelang. I am a mere housemate who was forced to leave the house by the house leader and his girlfriend to whom i had disputes. House leader is called Alfred, and he forcing me to leave before August without paying back my deposits unless i can find a person to replace me before August. We had dispute on 28th July and unable to find anyone to replace me.

    He told me that he have the contract with the house lord, and the contract is in his name, my name is absent, the house is rented to him and im merely a sub-tenant. I have no document to show that he had received my deposits, but it is common but i would call it, it is a must to pay 2 months deposits and utilities before moving in. It is only the matter of common sense as everybody know this fact. But lacking document is a great disadvantage.

    All other housemates had advice me not to move out, because it is clearly not my fault to have dispute with them, and both of them have bad relations with all the housemates. My housemates had agree not to let him forcibly remove me from the house.

    But the fact is, the house is clearly rented to him, in his name, not ours. All of us are merely sub-tenant. I have live here since May this year. So far is in peace, im avoiding any argument with them and doesn't want to have any conversation with them neither moving out, unless i found a person to replace me or he give back my deposits and i will leave. So far he has mentioned many times that if i don't want to move out, he will call the police or security guard to escort me out. I wonder if he has the legal right to do so.

    I hope Kirzuan could give me advice on the issues. All my deposits amounted to RM517 is a lot to me since i'm only a student, they as well. I really hope i'm being a sub-tenant, having the support of all other sub-tenants and having paid all the rental and utilities received full protection regarding the issues, that i could not be removed forcibly without getting back my deposit.

    Although i lost the resit, but i had retrieved a printed paper from his place secretly, that shown how much money i had paid to him, without his consent. It is a monthly statement that he will pinned on the board of the house to show us clearly how much we need to pay and paid for what. I have the document with me to prove that i had pay all the deposit. I has yet to show to him, but use it as a last resort because i know that he is very cunning, and will argue that he has paid me at the end. I wish to have all the housemate and the security guard to hear from him that i didn't pay the deposit and not that he had paid me, in order to have solid witness to prevent further argument and lie by him. Im quite in a critical stage as already entering in to the August month. I really hope to get response asap/ Thank you for reading my message, any help from you will be extremely appreciated. Thank You again. = )

    Wai Kit


  2. last few years back my ex-girlfriend used my name to get an installment loan from courts mammoth.after we broke up she didnt pay up he monthly installments and i even heard that the furniture shop sent someone to remove all the i received a letter from a law firm asking me to pay a big amount.pls advised.thanks..

  3. ron said..

    can I be employed in the private sector after being declared bankrupt and am i able to open a bank account? how could i withdraw epf?pls advise.thanks


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