Announcement of New Solicitor in firm

I am happy to inform my visitor that I got new lawyer joining my firm…meaning, I can spend at a little bit more time in blogging J…hope I can back to normal track serving you all..see ya.


  1. salam..
    i'm a junior lawyer. saya bercadang nak buka firm sendiri dlm masa terdekat ni. can u advice me on the procedure. terima kasih.

  2. wsalam,

    Alhamdulillah..teruskan niat baik tu... insyallah berjaya..

    untuk start senang saja..hantar surat ke Bar Council inform nak start practice under nama baru dan cc kepada insuran..jardine

    tunggu surat kelulusan nama dari bar council dan dapatkan quotation insuran dari jardine..then bayar!..

    ok done...

    p/s jangan register dekat ROC atau ROS dah la..hahahaha

  3. t.kasih for your reply.nak tanya lagi..kalu nak buka branch lak? nanti, nak tanya lagi..dan lagi..boleh? :-)

  4. Is this blog still active, can i pose a question regarding ROS?

  5. I'm a freshmen lawyer and I am studying all the sites about the Solicitor your page help me do some of my projects.Thank you and more power to your site.


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